
Brave strong woman quotes bible
Brave strong woman quotes bible

“Behind every successful woman is the woman she used to be. When you are successful, for better or for worse, people watch your every move. Eyes set on copying her and criticizing her and bringing her down to their level.” – Joy C Ortiz Eyes watching her every move, to see if she makes it to the top, or hits every rock as she falls and flails and flops on her way down to the dirt at the very bottom. If you struggle with feeling like you are enough, you are not alone.

#Brave strong woman quotes bible series#

A series of voices from her past, from her present, and from her own mind telling her she’s not the one and she probably shouldn’t even bother. “Behind every successful woman is a voice. Probably a fairly long list of moments she fell flat on her face and had to face the music that she had come up short.” – Joy C OrtizĪ reminder that every successful woman has failed a million times. “Behind every successful woman is a list of failures. We love this quote because it is a reminder that that difficult times we’ve gone through have led us to where we are now. A past that caused her tears but didn’t tear her apart.” – Joy C Ortiz A past that broke her down, but also allowed her to break though. A past that knocked her down but didn’t keep her down. Most likely a difficult past she had to walk through and trudge through and claw through inch by inch and ugly day by ugly day. Boys, Boys, Boys.” Some inspiration for you while you visit the loo! “Behind every successful woman is a past. This was actually graffiti on the wall of a women’s bathroom at the George Tavern in East London, according to Viv Albertine in her book “Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. “Behind every successful woman is a man who tried to stop her.” – Anonymous Inspirational quotes like this remind us how important our support network is. You don’t need a strong man to be a strong woman! “Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.” – Anonymous Pair these successful woman quotes with confident boss babe quotesto really get yourself feeling 100! 30 Behind Every Successful Woman Quotes “Behind every successful woman, is HERSELF!” – Anonymous It can take a long time for a young girl to see her own success. Whether you want to start the conversation, give yourself a pep talk, strike some confidence, or caption your next social media post, these “behind every successful woman” quotes will do the trick. But what’s behind every successful woman?Īnd, why don’t we talk about what’s behind every successful woman more? We should start! You have probably heard the “behind every successful man quotes” at least once in your life. These “behind every successful woman” quotes will inspire you and remind you of your great possibilities ahead! You are strong, inspirational, and powerful with these quotes.

Brave strong woman quotes bible